Travel Techy - Top Ten Tips

Let us celebrate a no technology day!
Too difficult?

Ok, let’s celebrate a no social network day?
Want something less challenging?

Alright let us vouch for a no Whatsapp day!
Wondering now what to do with your smart phones?

Well that is how technology has enveloped our life these days. We don’t always realize how crazily we depend on technology – from fan to light, from computer to cell phone and now with the overabundance of apps out there we have accepted technology to be one of the basic needs along with water food and shelter. But how do we stay close to this basic necessity while travelling? So here is my list of top ten things to do with technology when on the move; and this list won’t have the basic calling and messaging requirements. Guys think of more :D

1.    Social Life – Facebook and Twitter is something everyone uses by default but have u heard of more. Take foursquare for a spin and pose a bit for instacrowd (Instagram). Discover the world on Pintrest and know more about the world on Quora. Sounds fun right?

2.   Write – You see something – Blog; You notice something – Blog; You see something wrong – Blog. Just use Blogspot Tumblr and Wordpress to stay connected to the world virtually and in reality.

3.   Explore – Going to a new place, google is cool but still better use google earth! Also read as may travel blogs as you can, they definitely give you more insight about the place and what are Tripto and TripAdviser there for, just use them, they are yours!

4.   Kick Boredom’s Ass – Bored? No one online and to talk to? Nothing interesting happening? Guys the new addiction in town is your you :P And it is the good type of addiction people. QuizUp, LogoQuiz, 2048, Candy Crush, Farmville…well you really need to play games cause that is what I do most of the time while I am travelling.

5.   SHOPPING!!! – Confessions of an Online Shopaholic. Nothing beats the crazy fun of shopping online from the thousand sites.

6.   Music – Tired of your regular playlist – There is a solution for that too! There are a number of sites that let you listen to new and old tracks online, listen to radio, and create playlists too. Now songs can keep you happy forever can’t they?

7.   Videos – Have you heard of YouTube? Forget the Barney Kick but seriously, there has never been a better site than YouTube. Crazy Funny Informative Animes Musical name it and it has a whole new world inside its virtual web. Also missed out on your favorite show, internet has solution to all of your series issues all you need is a PDA.

8.   Photoshop - Artistic much? Since you are travelling you would never have the problem of clicking pics. But imagine you are on a vacation and you run out of memory on your camera, what then? Upload pics on to your laptops of tabs and enjoy. And when bored photoshop can be a real fun thing to do!

9.   Flash – Too tech Savvy? Well you can come up with something really creative using flash. But yes it jolts your techy side for sure.

10. And lastly the bookworm in me would not let me end it without my favourite travel pass time – E BOOKS. You could only carry 1 book earlier but what after you finish it? And carrying multiple books is totally out of question right, weight is always an issue – may it be body fat or baggage fat. So tech solution is E Book and you can read it on laptops, tablets, cellphone and Kindles and done with one start another, no extra baggage guaranteed; it is after all time to transform you see :D

So that’s is how I keep close to the Techy world and the crazy pretty outside world at the same time when travelling. What do you do?

P.S. -  This contest post has been written for the Asus Time to Transform contest powered by Asus T100 and


  1. Some interesting info there V. I still need to try point number 8

    1. Riesh - Photoshop is so much fun...i must have tried 5 different software till date :D Though i still have to get the hang of adobe :)


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